Nightmare teacher wikipedia
Nightmare teacher wikipedia

nightmare teacher wikipedia

After giving him a drink that she laced with phencyclidine, she watched as she began to feel the drug's effects, which was followed by her goading him into cutting his left wrist. The film's climax had Maddie finding out more about the depths of Vanessa's true personality, with the villainess bringing a metal box along with her and meeting up with Chris just as they planned. In spite of all her twisted deeds, Chris called his girlfriend on Skype, with the latter manipulating the former into believing he was in fact her drunk rapist before arranging for them to meet up at an isolated park. He was also left in crutches in the aftermath of a gang attacking him, presumably under Vanessa's orders. After that, Vanessa accused Chris of raping her, turning his peers against him. The unstable 17-year-old girl got him drunk and then prepared to have sex with him once again, only for Maddie to burst in and force Vanessa to allow for her to take her son home. After that, she called Chris during an alleged breakdown, prompting him to rush over to the pet store where she worked.

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However, in response, Vanessa plotted revenge against Chris by befriending Cheryl and cheating on him with his rival, Jake. Confronting her son along with his father (and her ex-husband) Steve, they convinced him to try to end things with Vanessa. His relationship with her came to involve him skipping his classes and track practices, which concerned Chris' mother, Maddie. Seducing her latest target into becoming her newest boyfriend, she then revealed her troubled past to him, including her history of self-harm. However, the first official sign of her deranged villainy came in the form of her threatening Chris' vindictive ex-girlfriend Cheryl into staying away from him. She only managed to feign tears and deceitfully claim that she loved him before she was forced to leave, after which she enrolled at Fairview Heights High School and gained the attention of track athlete Christopher "Chris" Stewart, whom she charmed rapidly. The opening scene of A Mother's Nightmare (airdate September 29, 2012) had her attempting to attend the funeral of her second victim, a 16-year-old guy. Vanessa on a date with Chris in A Mother's Nightmare Her modus operandi was influencing them into first using drugs, doing various other things they would usually not do, and then killing themselves. Vanessa eventually grew up to be a deranged manipulator who targeted her athletic peers. Before she could do so, Vanessa was rescued and placed into foster care.īelieving that Zofia successfully committed suicide and that she was abandoned by Matt, she bounced around various foster homes, gaining a habit of cutting herself. Even so, Vanessa's mother succumbed to intense anger and frustration she was feeling over having to raise her as a single parent-driving Zofia to plot a murder-suicide, meaning to kill her daughter and then herself.

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Amanda is the daughter of Zofia Redlynn and Matt Carmichael when she was very young, her maternal grandmother abducted her out of pure spite, only for Zofia to find her and then rename her Vanessa.

Nightmare teacher wikipedia